- “On a dusty world with two bright suns, a little boy looked up from his work and saw an angel.”
“'I can order you to your death,' Padme said.
Her voice was so quiet that Sabe barely heard her. She reached out and took Padme's hands.
'And I would go,' she said.
'I can't be that dedicated to you,' Padme said.
'I know,' Sabe said.” - “Yoda took another moment to not reply. If he waited long enough, they almost always figured it out on their own. It was his favorite method of teaching.”
- “Having a master who could sense your discontent was a real pain sometimes. It had averted disaster on a couple of occasions, but it was still embarrassing. Obi-Wan had hoped to leave it behind in his childhood, but he'd settle for cutting it off with his braid when the time came.”
- “Missing Padmé was like missing the sun, and she was currently on a planet with two of them.”
- “It was strange, to love two people so much, so differently. She didn’t quite understand it, and she wasn’t sure how to make it work.”
- “With all respect, Senator,” Padmé said, “that is exactly why you sent someone like me on this mission. You don’t approve of violence, and you never will. I admire that, and I have accepted it. All I ask in return is that you accept that I am the person you send when there’s the possibility of . . . aggressive negotiations.”
- “Now her truths were split, divided amongst those she cared about, and none of them had the whole picture. Only she did, alone and at the center of her own life.”
- “You told me once that when you gave your heart to someone, it would be a disaster,” Sabé reminded her. “I should have known you weren’t exaggerating.”
- “It was clear from the way they all spoke of Shmi that she hadn’t been an afterthought in the Lars family. She had been the center. And he hadn’t been part of it at all.”
- “It’s what I signed up for,” Anakin said. He put his hands behind his back and grinned at her, unabashed and honest. The truth of everything hit Sabé all at once. “She married you,” she said. “It’s not an affair. It’s a permanent relationship.” Instantly, Anakin was on the defensive again, their truce evaporating at the first test. “She makes her own choices,” Anakin said. “You know that.”
- “Sabé turned, taking both of Padmé’s hands in hers. Their lives had been linked in a way that was hard to explain, their identities entwined for the good of Naboo. And now that was over. They would have separate paths. Sabé would learn to cast her own shadow. She faced her queen, her senator, her friend, and gave her a sad smile.”
- “She had built so many things in her life—houses and hospitals, alliances and accords—and now she’d have something that was just for her. Well, just for her and Anakin. They would be something new. And even though they would keep it to themselves, Padmé knew that their love would shine brightly.”
- “Whatever else you could say about Anakin Skywalker, he might just be the most genuine man in the whole galaxy.”
- “For the first time in more than ten years, she didn’t want to be Amidala. She wasn’t sure if she knew her anymore.”

Sections Of The Padme Amidala Novel Trilogy That Rewrote My Brain
The three novels of the Padme series are filled with some of the best quotes, especially the sections that highlight the differences in the way Anakin and Sabe see Padme. Check out The Queen's Shadow, Queen's Hope, and Queen's Peril to find out more about Naboo's best Queen.